2011. február 13., vasárnap


You know what's like half a million times cooler than Sweden? Finland. All of you neo-crust guys with your black hair and nails, your guitar solos and d-beat drums, you all need to look to the east and learn some lessons. I am not Finnish or Swedish, so for me it does not matter, but realistically speaking, from a third and quiet removed parties point of view, the awesomeness is obvious.

Let's take the crust/hardcore shit that I have not posted on here yet. In the early 80s, Finland had Kuolema. Sweden had some cool shit, but nothing as noisy, ballsy and negative as that. And to this day (aside from Brain Cancer, who I think might have some Fins in the band, based on sound alone), Sweden has not been able to show anything for itself, that is in that league. So let's keep it real. Everyday you hear some neo-crust Swedish band or rock n roll d-beat band touring wanting a show around here (Budapest), which is cool, but wouldn't you rather book a band like Pohjasakka? Or Uutuus? Or Noituus? Not even mentioning heavy weights, here like Genocide, Kuolema, Lama, Siviilimurha, Kirous, Kaviosurma, just some meager folks like let's say, HC Andersen or Tampere SS? I know I would. Don't get me wrong, I am happy to see you play if you don't suck, but come on.

For starters, Kuolema. I put a bunch of their shit in one file, for convenience sake.

Noise Not Music.

And of course, Agathocles has a split with them, cuz they are just forefront in everything, son.


I own this, but its not my rip. And speaking of AG, heer sia split with another crazy Finnish hardcore/noisecore band, Siviilimurha.


Also, Ulcerrhoea, possibly my all time favorite band, who are a little bit Swedish, decided to release a split with the above mentioned band as well. This band is nosiecore with the most annoying vocals and sound EVAHR!


Finlands answer to the Exploited, fuckin classic, never hear about them anymore, come on guys, you can do better. Just get to know it. The band name means scum or sediment. Neat-o.

Pohjasakka 2 stuf from 1985.

Katastrofialue are like the perfect d-beat band. Of course they had to be Finnish. Fuckin really noisy, really negative lyrics about life and death and wage slavery. It's awesome. My favorite is Vapaus On Vankila, which means 'Freedom is a Prison'. All the rest rule as well. They have more stuff probably, but I cannot get a hold of it.

Katastrofialue- Vapaus On Vankila
Katastrofialue- Nihilistinen Kuolema
Katastrofialue- Oikeutettu Viha

Also, since I am also obsessed with Japan (and Australia), here is a split between two Japanese bands who play Finncrust and also ahve song titles and names in Finnish. Japanese people do this sometimes, it's funny. Could've fooled me. Also, million thanks to Seanocide for having this on his blog and getting me into it.

Varaus SS- Kuolevainen split

HC Andersen, a finnish hardcore band that employ a marimba. It fucking rules.

HC Andersen

Kirous are a Finnish, really fucking fast hardcore band. If crust would have naturally evolved to fastcore levels, this is what it would sound like. It's awesome, needless to say, the vocals I like in this one very much, nothing ancy just some guy yelling. Awesome. They also have a split with a Polish band, and although ti si good, I am not gonna post it because it's not as good as this one in my humble opinion, and because copies of that one are still sort of available. I see them at shows, when bands with distros come around.


This band Kaviosurma is like the most awesome shit. It is new (sort of), with alll of the stuff that makes Finnish hardcore awesome. Donald duck vocals, short fast sloppy songs, ridiculous distortion, and some klang klang klang. These are two demos that were up for download on their website, I have not heard of them since, I dunno what happened.

Kaviosurma 2 demos

The only thing that Sweden has to compensate is some fo the best grindcore in the world. And in the end, to me, that is what really counts. Grindcore. So I am gonna move to Finland and make a grindcore band that will sound like Kuolema, but faster. Just to save face.