A lot of
things have happened since we quit doing this blog. Only a few years have
passed, but we had so many ideas left unexplored, so many bands we wanted to
talk shit about, and since then life has literally exploded. I have become a
father yet again, and have had a series of personal triumphs as well.
First and
foremost Chappa’Ai. I write about my noise band first because this is where the
most amount of stuff has happened, and this is by far the most dynamic band I
have ever had the pleasure of playing in. Aside from having an infinite amount
of songs at our disposal, we also have a set theme that is also endless,
generating endless amounts of recordings, songs, titles, etc. We have just
recorded and released a split with Bollock Swine, and our side is a
collaboration with Ignacio Ruiz, called v8.08 on stage. He is a harsh noise
dude from Chile, and when he was here, our minds clicked. When we told his of
the recording he merely said “I feel like a duck in the waters of life”. Nuff
We also
will be releasing a split with Melanocetus Murrayi, which is a fucking dream
come true for me. If you saw this blog when it was still active as a source of
cultural destruction and not just as a repository like it is now, you may
remember that I featured them like every other post. They are that important.
Total abyssal harsh noise grind chaos. Now we are going to do a split with
them, what the fuck. Life, man. Here is their bandcamp, they literally just
made it:
A childhood
fantasy also came true for me, as we went on a 3 day min tour with Agathocles.
We were all reminded of why we make this music, why wed this, even though all
you fucks do is pose and talk shit, and become totally mired in your scene.
Scenes are not the way to go, it’s about individuals, it’s about bands, it’s
about motherfuckers who press shit, release shit, do shit and get shit done. A
scene is tremendously important but it will always be secondary when compared
to what is actually achieved, what is actually being done. I would also like to
take this time and tell you that Agathocles are the last true grindcore band
left from the first wave. Everyone else is dead, split up, sold out, or mostly
inactive, only getting together to play large festivals and shows that are
somehow “worth it”. We are releasing our live set that we played opening for
Agathocles as a split with them. Life, man.
We will
also be releasing the Goa’uld Pleasure Palace in a matter of months. We
recorded these songs 2 years ago almost, and have been dicking around until
now, but it is done, it is everything everyone ever wanted. There are songs, so
finally there will be a Chappa’Ai recording with not only improvised stuff but
actual written material mostly, it is much more controlled. And we will never
do anything like this again. It’s a one off.
The band
that only the two motherfuckers doing this blog are in, Cancerous Aggravation
has recorded its 5th and final demo. We only played improvised
ghetto grind, and these 5 demos are a testament to the conditions we see and
the world we live in. It is everything that we believe was missing from grind
today, the spontaneity, ridiculous speed and ferocious not giving a fuck that
this band entailed. These 5 demos will be released by yours truly on a tape, if
you want in, give me a holler. Instead of this band, me and Marci will be doing
a Discordance Axis influenced band but ti will NOT be like Damage Digital or
Syntax, even though I fucking love those bands. It will not be just DxAx theft
all the way, but will be very recognizably influenced by them, it will more
lo-fi and noisier, with lots of intros. Our current bands just do not reflect
the paranoia, stress and constant questioning of everything that living in the
internet age of brainwashing infotainment brings. I want to express these
feelings too, so we need to make a band about it.

Speaking of
new bands, Chappa’Ai and Human Error have joined forces. The singer of Human
Error playing guitar, me on drums, and the rest of the Chappa’Ai crew doing
what they do best have made a grindcore band called Scum Of The Earth. First
gig is set for September 14th, will be sharing the stage with
Abortion, Sedem Minút Strachú, Internal Excavation and a bunch more local
bands. We will record shit too, although recordings are not a priority for this
project. Straight up grind, no bullshit, no other influences. Keep your eyes
peeled, as the rehearsals are fucking awesome.
I have also
started a tape label, and have released a bunch of shit, and have helped
release a bunch more shit. So far:
split tape
Parasites split pro CD-R
Jack 2014
tour tape (co-release with Power Rangers Records)
I also
helped with releasing the new Diskobra stuff. That is another thing I must
Diskobra is
now a complete band, a stable 3 piece instead of being completely a one man
band. Kobi still writes all of the music and all of the lyrics, but we now do
it together. We got a second demo and a split with the Ukranian Displease out.
I released both of them on tape.
Human Error
also released an album, one that was also sat on for over a year. I am exceedingly
proud of it, it’s quite different than the other ones, but the same general
concept, so no changing up our steelo. Checkum.
I also
wanted to do a little segment about bands I wanted to mention on this blog but
never got around to it that are active, are in touch, and we loved playing with
them, or just listening to them.
I don’t
believe I ever got to write about Whoresnation, for example. They are precision
grind for certain, not too dirty at all, but goddamn it are they good. The
recordings do not do justice to the amazing live set they pulled off 3 years
ago in Budapest. They are fast beyond belief, really on top of it, really
precise, almost surgical in execution, and went from sounding a lot like late
Ulcerrhoea to sounding a lot more like The Arson Project, but keeping the
simple, blastbeat oriented vibe. Their place is on this blog. The other thing I
love about this band is that they expound the usual political opinions of
Western European grind scene, anti- homophobia, anti-sexism, anti-fascism, but
they do not do it in the hippie way that most of these jackasses tend to.
Usually you will have people talking half assedly about acceptance and
tolerance, where as these guys take the approach of attacking bigots, an
approach much more easily digestible to my shit laden guts. They are another
one of those bands like Cellgraft that are fucking stellar, unique and need to
keep doing this, and they also had a really fucked up snare sound that I loved
(hopefully they will be active for longer), and have changed it in their 2014
album to a more acceptable one. I am sad because of this change- y’all need to
bring out the old snare again. Stand up guys too. Me and the singer had a half
hour conversation once about how grindcore is not music that should be played
at festivals, for example. They are people you can talk to even though they
keep busy as fuck, thank the sweet heavens. Come catch them in July in
Budapest, you fucking tool.
Pain is one of those bands from Canada that is linked with all of the other
bands from Canada. I imagine their scene is much like ours, a 10 person strong
cancer constantly spreading and engulfing more and more of the hardcore and
punk scenes, with all the bands consisting of the same people. Horrible Pain is
their Excruciating Terror rip off band, and if you don’t know ET, don’t admit
it, just quietly go to my youtube channel
and listen to all of it. You are welcome. I think it’s a one man project, it is
fucking awesome, much better than all of their other offerings, which I find to
be good, but just too one dimensional and silly in their approach, but that’s
cool though, I like silliness. This however, is not silly at all.
Wound was a
band from Japan, and I owe the biggest debt of gratitude to Kitti for fucking
finding this thing for me. She is me mates girlfriend, and I owe her a debt of
gratitude, I simply don’t know how this could have gone under my radar. It is
exactly what I like, the only band that I can really say has GBN as an
influence audibly, but mixing it up with that good Boss HM-2 death metal
feeling. I simply cannot get enough of their shit, their two longer demos are
fucking awesome, and the rest of their shit is all promo materials. They did
not exist for long, but they fucking did everything there is to do as far as I
am concerned. Not the fastest but definitely the noisiest and most fucked up of
Japanese grind. Brings a tear to a grown mans eye. Also, their logo is an
upside down Venom logo.

SickGoreSuffer finally dropped their shit too.
Essentially the same great people as Cock Brutality, this is one of those bands
that is speed oriented like a motherfucker. It is insanely fast, with that
super duper fucked up snare sound that I absolutely admire. High pitched and
tinny, with a long as sustain, the blastbeats make your head hurt like a
motherfucker. Average song length about half a minute, real pv shit, none of
this namby pamby Hexis inspired dark hardcore with black metal elements
BULLSHIT masquerading as power violence. I want to take this time also to say a
giant fuck off to all hipster hardcore motherfuckers, bring your shallow
self-absorbed bullshit somewhere else, zero tolerance to fucking hipster
attitudes and the bullshit fake ass “irony” and pop culture elitism they bring
with them. Go somewhere else, you are not welcome here, fuck right off. This
bands first offering was released as a split tape with Karak, where Marci, the
other guy who does this blog plays drums. This is their side of the split, but you should be able to find SGS side from here.
I would
write about Sedem Minut Strachú, as they are the most fucking radical thing to
happen in this part of the world in a very, very long time, but I assume Marci
will do it. If he doesn’t I will devote an entire post to these three
motherfuckers. They are the only bastion of noisecore south of the Czech
republic, and north of Serbia. Well, there is also us, but these guys are loads
better. World class 7MON worship band, with two basses and super primitive approach.
If you have
Facebook and are into grind, I don’t see how you could have not heard of
Shitnoise Bastards. They must be mentioned because they were not around when
this blog died, and they most definitely fucking belong here. They are very
prolific, always and continuously pressing records, almost exclusively
releasing splits, and we released one with Chappa’Ai (thanks Seluar!!!). They
ply noisegrind in the SMG vein, and it is fucking awesome. There are kinda
riffs floating about, but kept so primitive and undefined it is essentially
noise, super raw recording style, and a blastbeat that is insanely fast. It
really is sonic torture, and our split is just like that too. People from this
part of the world have an attitude that will make you humble, they are so
positive, even while keeping very honest. We have a lot to learn from the
Malaysian grind scene.
I just found out about Kasosquad, Slovakia’s
premier old school death/grind madness, too. Again one of those bands that I
don’t know how I could not have heard of, seeing as they have been around for a
minute. I found out about them by playing a gig together with them, Agathocles,
Alea Iacta Est, Jack and Sedem Minut Strachú, one of the bets gigs of my life.
Their Repulsion/Xysma inspired old school as fuck grind is really inspiring,
and played without any bullshit allure, owning up to being metalheads, but not
falling for the metalhead clichés, and being completely blunt, honest and in
your fucking face. There used to be bands like this all around the area, but
they died out; this band represents a dying breed, and even if you don’t like
it, they deserve your respect.
That’s it for right now, I believe this will
keep you guys busy until Marci decides to post his shit too, if that ever
happens. If it does not, I will be here on the regular, and from September on,
these posts are gonna come much more frequently. I will mostly be linking
bancamp and youtube videos, if any of you wanna get the shit and download it,
catch me on slsk, my nick is BLASTBEATWORSHIP, I have all the shit up from
previous posts and a bunch more shit too. I will share if you have anything up
at all, but if I see bullshit, or no sharing, you will be banned and your
pitiful cries for mercy ignored. I will also be making a mediafire account and
uploading rare shit in mega blocks, so tons of related albums in one package,
and sharing those on here. The first one is being made courtesy of the dude
from Re-charge De-charge, a now defunct noise grind band from the Czech
republic, and it will feature old Hungarian death/grind bands. Enjoy
motherfuckers. I am glad to be back.