Okay, short rant, then we are gonna do this quick like. People talk shit about discography CDs, but man, fuck all y'all, you guys are just sore cuz you bought the records, which is cool, so did I, for the most part, but then when they release something, other people can hear it too. If you own it on vinyl, don't buy the CD. The only reason your hating is because now other people get to hear it, who you do not deem worthy. And that is malicious. And malice is whack as fuck.
So Ima hit you with discography CDs, some old shit, some shit I ahve been listening to again recently, and some updates. Sounds good? Let's do it....
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DISCOGRAPHY CDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Charles Bronson Discography
This is a pretty good double CD, Ima just put one of the CDs up, though, because its the better one. Its long, like 94 songs or some shit, but it does not have their split with Ice Nine on it, or I am just way too retarded, but I coulda sworn that one was missing. So Ima hit you with that seperately. By the way, I am sure you all own this, but if you dont, just get it, man, its good for you.
Another discography that lacks a bunch of shit, mostly early stuff, really good, I am sure you all own this as well. If not, get it. Classic, lives up to every inch of hype in my opinion, and that is a rare, rare thing indeed. Also gonna give you their best early work, the Rid The Cancer 7". Don't think it's on the discography, although I oculd be wrong, I never listen to it. I have all their shit separately, you see. Ain't I cool? Do you like me now?
E 150
Great Spanish screaming fastcore shit for you guys. Put up the split with Zanussi already, so you should have an idea of how awesome this band is. Aside from bringing the real real hurt with the fast hardcore, they employ a fair bit of noise and negative shrieking, for your listening pleasure. E150 DISCOGRAPHY
Code 13
Since you guys know Destroy! is my all time favorite crust band, it should come as no surprise that I also like Code 13. They are the band that Felix Havoc did after Destroy!, and then he quit, or they threw him out, something happened, ways were parted, and while he was in it it was more crust, than later just old school 'Merican hardcore. A god bit of both, really, really fast. The other vocalist guy also fucking kicks ass. Everything thats good about hardcore is on this Cd somewhere, mostly sloppy as fuck.
Dahmer Studio Sessions
This CD has some of the greatest Dahmer material on it. It does lack some of my favorites, but I have posted some of them, plus, I don't wanna post too much fo them, I wanna focus on new shit, and shit that was neglected, mostly. But, I mean, they are awesome. This one is available like fucking everywhere. Also, Ima put the splti with Fran and the Bitches on here. Two reasons, one, its long, two its not on the discography CD. Also, I really like it. Also, tis hard to find.
Fear Of God Discography
I don't know if this was just compiled, or if it is an existing CD, it might be like that Kuolema discography that was floating around, which was just one very generous dude's attempt to put all of their shit together. Anyhow, seems to have everything. Also, I hate to admit it, but this band has been out of my radar for a long time. I always heard of it, but I was always too busy with other bands. I feel ashamed, ths band fucking rules, real noisy and really fucking fast, somewhere in between old Napalm Death and Agathocles. Fucking everyone has played a cover of them, too. Also, there are like 90 tracks on here, but only like 35 songs. Each one is played at least 3 times, but often more.
MK-Ultra Discography
I promised to put it up if Youth Attack ran out of copies, and I do believe that has happened. I own this one, its a beautiful record, seriously, it's fucking creepy, poignant, politically motivated, gritty and sad, what a small town American hardcore record should look like, not gonna put up pictures, go buy it. This band has some members of Charles Bronson, but are better than them. Some oof their early stuff is really a miss for me, but Melt, which I also have put on here, is genious, as all of their later stuff, and their split with Los Crudos as well. Plus they have a live set on here, which is fucking cool, they sound like no bullsiht solid ass people on the parts in between the songs.
Psychoneurosis- Ten Years On The Frontline
Great mincecore, sometimes thrash/hardcore band from Poland. The eary shit is unimpressive thrashy, grindy hardcore, still solid though, but the latter shit, when they come into their own is straight up amazing. Their split with Brutal Insanity is sheer genious, this is how mince/grind stuff should be, relentless, the sound is just grimmy enough, but you can hear everything, some pitch shifters, but not much, some crazy high end stuff, and the 7" inlay says there is a person called Sonja involved, so I guess, maybe female vocals there as well. Just great shit. ON here tis the last couple of tracks, but the whole thing is great, although the latter shit is much better than the earlier shit.
Proyecto Terror- Shitgraphy
Ah, yes. Grind/noise/mince, sounds a lot like Violent Headache, whom I have a crush on, did a split with them, cover some of their songs. A bit like them also in that they have humorous, themed noisecore tracks, really short ones, of course. Lots fo fun this band is, their crusty-grind stuff is also really good, poor musicianship, but hey? Who the fuck cares. This band will etar your face off.
Corpse Molestation- Holocaust Wolves Of The Apocalypse
So I have posted their one listenable and somewhat nicely recorded demo of fucked up, staanic dungeon death metal on here. If you are interested in the rest of their stuff, which is rawer than 80% of crust bands, noisier than a lot of so-called noise bands, and more fucked up than pretty much anyone else in the genre, than I recommend you get this. No one has ever written music like these people. Ever.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NOISY METAL GARBAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So you guys might know I love garage, shitty sounding, lo-fi death metal, and the above posted Corpse Molestation shit led me to realize, I have been neglecting the super fast, garbage death metal that got me into blast beats in the first place. Shame on me. Here are three little things to make you think.
Lier In Wait- Equinox, Twilight of the Gods
A litle bit melodic and sad, which I hate, the reason I put this up here is because of the blast beats. This shit is amazing. Also from 1992, if I remember correctly, so super amazing. As for the vocals, you can hardly hear them, but they are weak ass growls, the guitars play melodies for the most part, the slow parts are hard to get through, lots of melody. Super rare though. MOst fo you would hate this shit.
Liers In Wait- Spiritually Uncontrolled Art
This shit is Swedish Death Metal at its best. No to be confused with the above mentioned band. Obscure, fucked up, no thrills or frills, their logo is really cool looking, too. Not the fastest music out there, but its written in a way as to not give you too much time to think, its up tempo, I'll say that much.
So Invocator are a teched out thrash metal band form the late 80s early 90s Danish scene, they fucking slay, these are all of the demos that are available from them in one neat little format. Like every song on here is a classic, much better than their albums, sad to say. Their first wasn't bad, but the second is just bullshit. Anyhow, the demos rule. Kind of lo-fi, dungeon sounding, tape hiss tio high heaven, kinda teched out, lots of riffage, the drummer is so on point its painful. Also, no blast beats on this one. Getting soft, I know.
Autopsy- Retribution For The Dead
Autopsy- Ridden With Disease CD
Slow death metal from the fucking depths of hell. Insane, neurotic, truly obsessed with death and disease, this band is awesome, they play music that is death/doom, like a funeral dirge made by people who think your death is a joyous occasion. The Ridden With Disease CD has their I think 3 demos, it's my own rip, so it might be crappy, and it has some rare live stuff, and a nasty ass cover of a childs drawing of some woman with worms and sores and shit. Naaaaasty shit. Retribution for The Dead is more like the Autopsy everybody knows and loves, not as thrashy as on the earlier demos. Both are great. If you don't happen to know this band, its old ass death metal, do yourself a favor and get to know them. It doesn't matter what kinda music you like, they fucking rule, and in your heart of hearts, you will know this.
What with all of the Charles Bronson shit going around, here is the Struggle 7", super political, sXe sounding band, kinda slow, really really 90s. But it's fucking cool to listen to, head bobbin the whole time, really obnoxious, explaining shit to you vocals. This is sort of a European band in their mentality, but the music and lyrics are distinctly American. It's a good listen, heady topics, nice sound, a bit too clean for me, but fuckin nice none the less.
Got this form Sean's blog called Damaging Noise, you can see the link on the side there, one of the bets blogs out there. So this would be an update of the blastbeat crusts topic, this band is Swedish, they kick ass, they are like a stereotypical crust band, with songs being exactly what you would imgine, plus blastbeats. Its raw, its dirty as fuck, its sloppy, its fast, and in your fucking face. Vocals are really good on here as well.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Harsh Noise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I have not done anything no harsh noise on here. As you can guess, with all f the noise grind I post, I fucking love just straight up harsh noise as well. I don't like it nearly as much as grind, but I like it. And the masters of it to me are clearly Guilty Connector, and his mighty Utsu Tapes. Some of this other shit is good too, but with something as subjective as this type of crap, of course, there's not much to write about.Guilty Connector/Facialmess- Nothing Left Inside
The title says it all. Both fo these cats are good at making harsh, loud, fucked up shit happen with objects that screech. This shit is long. The facialmess side is just one continous, fucked up, agonizing screeching bit of harsh ass noise. The Guilty Connector side is like, more than one track, and its a bit more endearing, but still super fucked up, and still just noise.
Guilty Connector/Bastard Noise/MSBR
Of the three, Guilty Connector take the cake, this one is harsh from beggining to end, and at the end, there is a weird techno beat for a while as well. Bastard Noise is what you would expect, the vocals always kill me on his shit, I like his ambient stuff more than is harsh shit, though, he just does that better, this one is fairly good, though. And MSBR is your typical harsh as fuck performer, total noise devastation, screeching, feed back loops, just layers and layers of fucked up mess.
Guilty Connector- Sabbath, Connector Sabbath
Low end noise, loud as fuck bass stuff on here. Good, not as harsh perhaps as the rest. Nice and short though, for when you only want a little bit of noise, not 25 minutes of harsh feed backed shit.
Nautical Almanac- Rooting For Microbes
So this one is unfinished, I got it from a girl a million years ago, in a galaxy far, far away. Its super harsh, American, I would believe, dont know anythgin about them. They have this one and a track on a compilation I have, and nothing more can I find from them. Probably not looking in the right places, but these artsy noise dudes fucking piss me off, so I tend to stay away, except, well, the love of feedback and fucked up things sometimes makes for strange bedfellows.
I will have more shit soon. Relax.