2011. május 27., péntek


So there is gonna be a rant in this one, just to tell you. But first, I am waaay too excited to do that, and I must tell you about updates. The first is that not only is Blunts and Blasts back, but the guy who deos it, Lord Kramdar, besides being of Hungarian origin, which is the coolest coincidence ever, has a new band! Does this mean Epileptic Fit bit the dust? Yes, sadly it does. However, his new band, which he does not have a drummer (for all of you cleaveland grind freaks need to get in touch with this man NOW), aside from the drum machine fucking rules. It's called Thought Rapist and you can check em out HERE. I think its his one man, anyhow, fucking awesome stuff, includes a Dahmer cover, which more of you need to do. Also, no vocals, except on the covers.

Those of you familiar with USA grindcore, or this blog, or both will know what this picture means. Cellgraft are fucking back. They did this album a while ago, but I am a total space cadet, and did not pick it up until now. They have a split in the works (probably out by now...), and I just cannot wait. Y'all know how nerdy I get with this type of shit, obsessive and what not. At first I did not like it as much as the other two, cuz the snare is not annoying sounding enough, like on the other releases (I love annoying high pitch snare, I might post about that next. Or more tape rips), but quiet normal like. But once you get behind it, man, this is such an awesome release, I like it more and more every time I give it a go. Less rolls then on the previous one, but still a ton. In comparisson, this one makes the previous one seem a little bit overdone in that department, seeing as how form fitted the drumming is to the guitars, and how awesome this one is. My mp3 player cannot handle it, cuz its mp4, so it has become my official coming home and getting high music.

Also in the updates section is some Hungarian stuff, as I really like the things that are happening in this part of the world right now, and some things I got at a show a while ago. First up is the picture you see above you. This band is solid as fuck crust, no blast beats, but sometimes the drummer busts out the fastcore tempo, which is fun. They are a lot like Disrupt musically, but with the vocals and the atmosphere being much closer to the Swedes than anything. The first track is basically some acoustic guitars and shit, thats pretty whack. The intros are real hitters for me as well, some of them in Hungarian. The singer hooked it up, who used to play drums in Human Error, the band I now play in, so he is my predecessor. He has like a million other awesome bands, including Gyalázat and Freedom Is A Lie, where he brings some of the most solid d-beats and blasts in the country. Really well written shit on here as well, could be faster though.

Do You Think I Care? Demo 2010

You know what else fucking slays totally and absolutely? Remember that Alea Iacta Est shit I threw your way in the early days of this blog? Delete that shit. They just hit me up with a promo, and it blows fucking 80% of grind today out the fucking water. This band got a lot better, and thats saying a lot, as they fucking ruled before hand as well, but get a hold of em now. Faster, same drumming style with the fastcore tempo met with triplet out of control Czech style blastbeats, the vocals are raspy as fuck and really, really traditional, but in the best of ways, and the riffing is awesome as well. They are like the next Ulcerrhoea. They fucking own, and good folks as well, although their singer likes to promote these gigs, with these college kids and their whack ass pop music. But I won't hold it against him. It's a living.

Harvester. What can I really say about this band? They have been around for quiet a bit now, we share a front man, who is absolutely insane, they play grind n roll for metalheads, they are metalheads, drink more than a port full of Irish dockworkers, and their live shows are entertaining as fuck, although I haven't seen them play in like 2 years, so why dont I shut the fuck up and talk about the CD? It's called 'We Are The Nottenbohm Case', I am not sure what a Nottenbohm case is, although the singer explained it to me, but as it happens when I meet this guy, we were drunk, and I can't remember what it means. Perhaps one of you smart ass guys can elaborate in the comments. As always, they bring the stonerish stuff in it as all hell, its pretty slow for a grindcore band, which they swear they are not, the music is full of weird shit as well. The sound is fairly clean, the lyrics are fucking crazy. Metalled out guitar stuff, primitive and tight drumming, you get the idea.

The next CD I picked up at a gig. It is some Lithuanian thrash called GFT, and their live set was good, but the drummer could not hold the fast parts. Not dissing, just calling it like I see it. It is thrash that is exclusively about drinking, living your life and skateboarding, as well as, surprise, surprise, smoking weed. If you are into that sort of thrash, real typical like, then you will dig this, it is a good example of the genre. The sound is grimy as fuck, the bass is louder then the guitar, which I love, the drums sound like cardboard, which I also love. The vocals are real honest like, just loud nasal speaking, with a fucking funny accent. You hear the voice, and you feel like you know the guy. Pretty mediocre in many respects, but Ima throw it on here, it has its moments.

Also got that hot new shit from Cogs and Sprockets. By new, I mean they already sold all of the physical copies. But they hook it up with an e-booklet, and a sick cover on this one. Man, this band is also firmly lodged within my heart, for a number of reasons. The songs are never over half a minute long, although they have gotten demonstrably longer than the last thing I heard from him, the sound is always grimy as fuck, the song titles kick ass. They moved away from their older sound, which had an annoyingly high snare, rehearsal room sound and Discordance Axis-esue riffage. Now the riffs are more, I dunno, traditional grind, but still really fucking innovative and awesome, also, no more annoying snare sound. I hope this does not turn into a trend, I love annoying snares. Each song has a picture instead of lyrics as a song title, and they speak louder than fucking words. Also, just one guy. Insanity. How do fuck do you have time to learn to play all of these instruments that well and also like, sleep and eat and shit? The theme on this one seems to be homeless folks, the one I put up earlier seemed to be blindness. I refer to theme loosely here, of course. If i would give points, I would give ten out of ten, but fuck that.

Cogs And Sprockets- Arms For The Poor

So you know how sometimes I throw a bunch of shit from one band up here? If you don't happen to know Demisor, then this is your lucky day. This is not BY FAR a complete discography, its the stuff I have and like from these guys. They are from Singapore, and you can feel the grime as only South East Asian bands can make you feel it. Faster than what can be played, sloppy, but somehow still fuckin tight. I go nuts for this kind of grind, and we are seriously thinking of touring in the South of Asia. Every album is a little different, some of them are really, really, metaled out, I could talk about each one of them for a while, but instead of that, let me sum it up: lots of funny intros of Asian pop music, solid as fuck playing, blastbeats, d-beats, the high vocals are really typical of this sort of music, the low vocals sound a little like the guy from Autoritar. Got most of this shit off of KTGA! Awesome grindcore band, bit of crust, bit of hardcore, bit of metal towards the end there, always awesome though.

Now its time for me to go on a rant. I haven't done it in a while, but some shit pissed me of so bad, that I must do this now.

GENT FUCKING SUCKS!!!!! I was blissfully unaware of this genre until last weekend, when my old guitarist and I got together at his house, and he put this shit on. Man, of all the worthless, time wasting, listless, lifeless pieces of shit out there, this genre has to take the cake. If you are still one of those unaware of this genres existence, take Meshuggah, mix it up with everything that sucks that has happened in the past 10 years in music, throw it in a blender, add a bunch of nonesense and fake ass "emotion", and there you have it. The only thing to say about it is that it is really technical, and difficult to memorize the riffs.
Come on. Thats it? I bring you Biolich, a band that broke up a few years back, but who were really technical and difficult riffage, blah blah blah, but guess what? Their riffs actually went somewhere, and it was not a fucking chorus of castratis pouring the pitiful contents of their inflated hearts into your ears.

Enough of that. Biolich fucking ruled, when I lived in NYC they played like every weekend or so, along with Corpemesis and Internal Bleeding. Their guitarist must have been like 16 or some shit, their frontman was this cannonball of a guy, easily 120 kilos and 160 cm, and the drummer was like a jazz guy who was obsessed with death/grind, at least judging from the sound and the licks, he fucking owned so hard it was unbelievable. The music is utterly unique, its death/grind in a way, but with these soulful, almost emoed out riffs in there, the vocals are like the sickest gutturals, few get even near this guy. The songs are all fucked up, man, opens some new horizons in music.
I personally prefer the promo, cuz I had it when it came out, its my own rip of the damn thing, must have heard it like 10000 times at least. I thought about making a post just about the promo, but who wants to hear me get sentimental? It ain't pretty.

The "album" is also good, similar songs, but the old ones were better, for me, at least, but these guys cant make bad shit. My advice is to listen to the grimy, rehearsal-esue promo first, and then go for the album. It so so good, man, orgasmic.

I leave you with a classic. Regurgitate at their absolute best. Grudge fucking rule as well, both are the reason why grind is awesome. Grimy, filthy, fucked up, utter explosion of hate, X2. Also, Ima end it with a call for help. If you have anything else from Grudge, hook it up, you see me doing my thing as well. I will put it up on here for everyone to hear. The obscurity is killing me, I have spent years trying to get more shit from them, and I have found that it exists, but no one has it, man. So please, hook that shit up.

2011. május 9., hétfő


I have not had the sufficient time to post on here, so there is a lot of things for me to talk about. First off, the comments are getting out of conrol. I think I managed to piss off a bunch of people with not responding to comments due mostly to my inability to work computers and things related to computers. But the disclaimer clearly says that I dont care about comments, none the less, I want to apologize to Papst Benedikt and the Epileptic Fit guys for not responding.
Also, BLUNTS AND BLASTS IS BACK!!!!! Thats like the best news ever.
Also, I just got done with touring in Holland, France, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and got to play in Budapest with Ratos De Porao and then Tragedy. Also played a single gig this weekend in Ukraine, which is always the most awesome thing ever, and thats why I didn't post.
So let's get started, shall we? NO rant, only music.

So first I wanna talk about things happening here at home, in Hungary. There are now so many awesome bands here, its incredible, there a couple of crust bands, couple of grind bands, couple of awesome fast as fuck hardcore bands, I am very, very happy about this, got to a street punk show as well, I don't like the music, but these guys know how to have a good time. If a Hungarian band wirtes to you about gigs, please book them, we are getting better all the time, we dont ask for much, and we are very happy to play anyway. So many bands that I could mention who play awesome music, and many of them have already been mentioned on this site, but just to give a few, who play blastbeats, Freedom Is A Lie, Gyalázat, PFA, Dance Or Die, Another Way, Jack, Karak, Youth Violence, Mind Your Step, Grow Up Fuck It Up, Crippled Fox, seriously, this list could just go on and on and on, man, I am very happy to share the stage with these folks.
Youth violence is one of these awesome new bands, from Győr, I believe, anyways, affiliated with Győr. They have a blog, it is very good, they play like PV thrash stuff, but really heavy and awesome with the atmospheric-ness, they are not a clone band, unique, fast and awesome. The sound is somewhat "dark", but still really, really good. Great people as well.

Youth Violence demo i
Youth Violence demo ii

The next thing is also Hungarian, silly thrash by the Step On It guys, whom I now play music with. He is gonna hate me for posting this, but ima do it, cuz this is one funny ass band. It's called Frank Derbin, from the Naked Gun series, and I think it was pressed in 2 (!!!!) copies on a 7". Parody songs with riffs lifted from Star Wars, Knight Rider, Metallica and all sorts of other places.

Frank Derbin- Play That Thrashcore Music, White Boy

Just got back from the Ukraine, as I had mentioned earlier, and i picked up a 3 way grindcore CD (the last band is actually sludge), and Ima give it to you. For free. It starts with Skruta, who have members of the Symbioz in it, who we toured with in 2009, and this is their grind band, and it rules. Good quality grind, Kolja growling his head of, he has some very in your face, brutal as fuck traditional grind growls, so good, and the drumming is craziness, every 2nd riff is a blast beat, the way its ment to be. They are great people as well, love these guys. Next is Foible Instinict from Kiev, they also rule, Nasum-esque in a way, good vocals, solid drumming, really catchy grind riffs, they got massively better than the last time I saw them, which was 3 years ago, now they absolutley rule, they play a GG Allin cover on this one as well, which is weird for a grind band. Also they play a sludge track at the end, which is also strange. They are rawer than Skruta, but Skruta are a bit more professional. Both bands fuckin rule, however, great grindcore CD. The last band is called Forever Wasted, and it is sludge, got drunk wiht their drummer, cool guy, but I dont like slow music, so ima not say anything.

Skruta/Foible Instinct/ Forever Wasted

Next up is the Melanocetus Murrayi boys playing d-beat much like Disclose, but way noisier (I know, right?), and with that good World, GBN influence, cuz those guys just worship them so much. Go Filth Go are the d-beat fo the future, to end this nonesense thats been passed as d-beat. Got this tape from Dimitris, who also plays in this one. And that is the drummer Mao playing some d, the way it was meant to be. No blastbeats in it, but the whole thing is so raw and filthy, it deserves a place on this blog, and plus they are grind fanatics, so....

Go Filth Go- No Escape From Noise Dis-truction

So, the famous Grindwork compilation. Perhaps the most awesome grind compilation in existence, it features Nasum, Retaliation, Vivisection and CSSO, in that order. Since almost all of you have this comp, im also gonna throw in some follow up stuf to it. If you dont have this comp, immediately download it. Retaliation and Vivisection are both better than Nasum on this comp, and I would say that Vivisection (the one from Japan, of course) is better in general. I really dont like CSSO, but I am going to post some follow up on them as well.

Retaliation are like an awesome grind band from Sweden, real metal like, used to play gore, kinda stayed gore influenced, but changed their style up to be more of that Assel, Gadget sort of Swede grind stuff. Super negative and fucked up, their attitude is quiet like my favs Ulcerrhoea. Their sound is quiet different, more metal and all that. This is their discography, and it includes their early gore stuff as well.

Vivisection are from Japan and are an amazing grind band in the tradition of Voltifobia, Impregnate Trichonomas, etc. I dont know anything about them except that I got their demo off of Damaging Noise, as a whole tape rip, and took it apart into tracks. As usual, I leave the whole rip and the track by track rip in the same folder, for those times when you wanna listen to it like an mp3, and for those times when you want the tape experience. And I have this comp and also their split with CSSO. That's about it. The vocals are super shrill at times, and at other times are real rude growls full of hate and piss. The drummign is really fucking fast, the whole band is raw, tight, with awesome little twists, and mostly just blast beats. These type o grind bands are the best things on this planet.

I wanna do a follow up on the blast beat crusts tuff because tis the post that most of you liked. The middle guy in the picture with the hair and SOIA shirt is me. To my right is Csiga of Human Error, to the left is Davey, a scottish maniac skinhead guy who eats porn DVDs. For real, I fuckin saw it, man.

Global Holocaust are 90s Canadian blast beat crust, super political and poignant, and all that shit. But they are good, man, really good. Also, I got to know them because Ulcerrhoea plays a cover of theirs. This is not their whole discography, I dont think, because they just have more and more shit popping up every time I search for them. Most of this is off of KTGA!, and I don't own a single thing by them at all. I know, lame, but whaccha gonna do?

Also, I found the Dismachine/Totalitar split LP, I already talked enough about this band in a previous post, Totalitar are like they always are, Dismachine are blast beat fuckin crust. Also gonna hook it up with the Drunkard/Cornucopia split 7", as Drunkard are blast beat crust, and Cornucopia are a mincecore band. On this record Cornucopia play their best, sort of screamoed out even, but in a way that is not too bad for a mince band. It is definitely their darkest and most emotional recording, and I love this band, by the way, obsess over Cornucopia all the time. Drunkard are from Australia, and are really good on this record, have never heard anything else by them, but they play fucking great d-beats mixed with blasts, the recording is way too clean, but really enjoyable, high energy, fuck you right up. Also, Ima put some Existench on here, just for good measure. They are Canadian too, and also play blast beat with their crust. They have the best name in the history of fucking crust bands. This is a split with Dread 101. Classic records on here, man.....