Marci was gonna make a post about Mercenary Cockroach, who are an Insect Warfare rip off. I am glad that these much heralded times have finally arrived, and we can see Insect Warfare rip off bands. I might make one called Ant Battle, or something equally preposterous. I am going to go ahead and post a bunch of shit that is free on the internets, as well as been given to my little hands for free, this year, and I feel like posting it. Let us begin.

This band is from Florida, and they carry on the wonderful tradition of bands who play super short, super depressive, weird grindcore, that plays within and without the bounds of the genre, at the same time. So going form a syncopated beat to a blast beat, but doing some weird, weird shit in between. They are one fo the best things to happen to grind ever. Yes, that good. Best recent band for sure, best American band since Insect Warfare. All their shit is up for free on their blog.
I had the decency to put it all into one of our mediafire links though. This is their self titled demo, which fucking rules, has everything you need, ton of songs, 10 minutes, its a fucking grind orgasm of fast, short pissed off shit. Then their 'Revenge' dmeo, which is 4 songs, 1:40 time wise, really good shit, bit gored out, in terms of song titles, bit more straight forward, in terms of grind. And their new shit, which is absolutely amazing, althought he recording is real annoying like, takes itme to get used to it, but i love the way it sounds now. That one is called 'External Habitation' and is not to be fucked with. Destroy your life for satan.
This is the demo of a hungarian band called Dance Or Die!!, who are first class chaps, all in all, although they have weird social problems, and are a bit akward. Their music hits like asack of bricks, its fastcore with some melodic overtones, the drummer guy hits that fastcore tempo, which is arguably not a blastbeat, and they absolutely slay live. I do not have a physical copy of their stuff, but Marci was kind enough to hook me up with their shit. Bit melodic in places, and the demo does not do justice to their superb live act.
But I will upload it anyway.
This next demo is Dakhma from the Czech Republic, and I am sorry to say that the best thing about this piece of music is the layout. It is a 3 inch CD, put inside of a red envelope, with lyrics, and the cover is just super glued to the face of the envelope. It is overall pretty good, if you like neocrust, which I, personally, do not. There are exceptions, but on the whole, melody kills music, and these guys bust out melodies left and right. The only reason I am posting them at all is because the melodies are wicked disonant, and are done up in true black metal fashion. There are blast beats, too, not the quickest thing I ever heard, but still alright.
Melodic bullshit.
This next one sucks, in my opinion, however Marci seems to like it, and I got it for free. Its a split between Nothing, who are kind of alright, except for the shitty lyrics about liking people, and Libido Wins, who I cannot say anything good about. They are probably nice folks, the songtitles belie a lot of brain power, which I am sympathetic to, but the music is fucking weak shit. Nothing are good, solid hardcore played semi-fast, but not too quick, and definitely take the cake. NO blastbeats, so this should not even be on here.
But it is.
But it is.
Next one is the legitimate CD of a death metal band who do their shit DIY, and their singer and frontman, Balint is a hardcore guy, so these folks have a really good attitude. Pretty soon, shows will comence, so you should come and visit Hungary while there is still something left of it. The blastbeats are iNcantation tempo, lots of thrashing, really good vocals, sick ass growls, that are so low, but still traditional growls, this is sweet. 9 tracks, its like the album was made in 94, except the sound quality is waaaay too polished for my filthy ears.
Next up is the Hungarina band Grow Up Fuck It Up, who play a mix of thrash and power violence. Their drummer lent me his tom and some of his stands, for which I am incredibly greatful, and this is their demo, also procured from Marci. These guys, some or all of them are straight edge, they are big, ointimidating and are pissed off on stage, and make fun of you, which I always like. After the show you feel dumb, and are full of anxiety. I think that is something that a lot of bands are missing, this aspect of intimidation and that this music, its not about you feeling good, its about misanthropy, its about problems, its about venting the problems you have. The demo is good, sounds too polished again, more noise, and this would be a favorite.
Next up is Atmoski Rat from Belgrade, Serbia. I got their shit when we played their town, and they opened, and they sounded like aFinnish band form the 80s, which is a good thing, in my opinion. No blastbeats, not much to say, short, fast, d-beat filled absolutely rules.
This next band is PFA from Hungary, and how they rule. Ten points in my book, their stage performance lacks balls, but they like it that way, and so do I. The CD sounds good, its fastcore, its actually fast, the lyrics are awesome, they are about the town they are from, the problems they got, posing in the hardcore scene, friendship, shit that this music should be about. The artwork is also awesome, but I will not share it with you. I took pictures of all of this crap, but I just refuse to put it up, cuz it does not look good. Deal with it.
Paskuda are a band from Slovakia, and the last time we played with them, which was too long ago, they gave me their awesome CD-R for free. For some reason they like my crapy band, they know some of the tracks as well, which is awesome, and now, I know some of theirs. Their singer sounds like a rodent of sorts, super high pitched, the snare sounds like a metal pot being banged on, which is a sound I actually enjoy a great deal. The guitar stuff in it is also good, a lot like Destroy!, but somewhat faster, they do play crust after all, and they do it superbly well. It involves blastbeats, too many intros, and a sick, sick sound. Studioish, but not that bad, actually. Loudest thng on here is the snare, which is always good for the worshiping of the blastbeats.
And last but not least, the guys who occupy the tip of my heart, some Turkish guys who have 1 million bands, and counting (Circuits Made Flesh, Never Reach Home, You Name It I Hate It, Lost In Bazaar, and a ton of other ones), and this is their best one, that still exists. This one is called Ultimate Blowup, and this is their two CD-Rs that I actually own, they have more stuff out, all of their stuff is super lo-fi, its power violence, but it is just done so well, with so much cretaivity form all of the guys, and they are such massive, massive potheads, you must love them, just for who they are. But their band(s) absolutely rule, so love them for that too.