And to keep the tradition going, Im going to leave you with some classics.
This is Tumor, from Germany, and they are an old school as fuck noise/grind band, playing the genre in the way that I like it to be played. Semi-written, semi-composed, short songs, blastbeats the whole time, super fucking fast and sloppy as well, plenty of improvisation, grimmy but audible sound, distortion to fucking deafness. Got it off of the Damaging Noise blog, so props to Shawn for always keeping shit as real as he keeps it, rant wise and music wise as well. Grimy little piece of shit of an album.
And one more, just for the road. Y'all know I love Regurgitate, this one specific time of theirs, when they absolutely nailed the genre. Nailed it. This is a record smack dab in the middle of that time frame, when Rgte were the best grindcore band on the planet. Well, maybe thats a little bit much, but seriously, they were great. This is their split with Psychotic Noise, and it fucking rules, everything that is good about grind, lo-fi, mysterious sound, plenty of noise, great riffs, blast beats, double times, sick vocals, great primitive riffs, more noise, gore, hatred and a high snare sound.
Till next time.
Next up are some CD rips. This metal kid I know had a distro, or maybe just a masisve personal colelction, he is selling most of it, so I managed to get all of his Slugathor off of him. I already had some, but now I own the rest. In case you don't know them, Slugathor are a fucking genius band from none other than Finland, and they have released a cover of an old Hungarian band, and they also have a split with a Hungarian band. Those will not be included in this. I don't have them, and frankly, I am not interested in having them either. Slugathor play primitive death metal, dungeon style, true fucking grimmy, nasty shit. Here is three of their albums, the last one is a compilation of their old demos and shit.
There was this zine in Hungary called post-human, what an awesome name it had. Sadly, it dealt mostly with sub-par black metal and humorous grindcore bands, instead of focusing on music that is actually good. But their attitude was what it needed to be, only the underground, only struggling musicians, only for fanatics. I like that sort of elitism that you see in metal. But it has no place in grind. Anyways, great zine, they had these CDs, some of them good, some of them bad, most of them sort of mediocre. I put it up here for the fans. I got them for free. My band, Human Error, is also on one fo these with a song that I did not play drums on. Good bands on these comps would be Industrial Noise, Gorgonized Dorks, See You In Hell, Barbatos, Massgrave Symphonies, Art Of Massacre, Daily Life Sucks, Gyalázat, Mizar, Another Way, Neuropathia and Unfit Ass. So worth listening to.
And yes, I am gonna go there. Profanatica rule. Here is a smidgen of their discography, not full by any definition fo the word. Two full elngths and a split from their early days, as well as a demo. They are all obscure, fucked up, and weird. Not a fan of American black metal, but this band, Demoncy and Judas Iscariot are worth a mention. Also, in the land with the most christian fudementalists, it would make sense that these folk concentrate only on blasphemy and hatred of christians, and that is why I love these bands so much. Just one way hate, absolute fuming and boiling. Great shit. This band makes a serious attempt at being the most blasphemous out there, it gets silly from time to time, but they are great, good at writing riffs, bits of chaos in there as well, doomy, slow, end of the world riffs here and there for good measure, its got a good feel. There is a drum machine no some of this shit, though, just to be up front about it. I know, lame. But still good because of the fucked up hateful atmosphere.
Also, it's been a while since I have posted other people's shit, so here si some stuff I got from KTGA! that absolutely fucking rule, and I have never heard of.
Razor Sharp Daggar, mispelled, I dunno if it is intentional, are an Agathocles rip off band, but with more d-beats. It is fucking great to hear a mincecore band I don't laready know of. I have no idea where they are from or what they do, but I am on it, and sooner or later I will ahve more material form them, if indeed there is more to be had. Good sound, but I am willing to bet it's done with a drum machine, so minus points for that.
Ptomaina are a Polish band who sound almost excatly like the demo/first album era Dead Infection, and in my book, that is a recipe for success. A little bit more death metal than the classic DI, they are what I would call a death/grind band. Songs in between the length of a death metal and a grindcore song, subject matter being in Polish, but I guess is gory as fuck, sounds like a punk band, plenty of d-beat-esque shit going on, blast beats as well, but mostly that good old thrashy, frantic beating the crap out of your drums that I am very fond of indeed. Great band, I dunno anything about them, save this demo.
So, that's all folks, hope you enjoy, next time, back to the true grind.
As the name indicates this blog will be about blast beats. All sorts of music with blast beats. Given the nature of our musical tastes, it will be mostly grind and grind oriented music, but anything with blast beats can be expected. We do not take requests. We do not give a fuck about your musical tastes. Alongside the music, there will also be ranting and raving and carrying on, about any goddamn topic we feel it is good to rant and rave about.
Most of the time the blawg is a fucking mess, and we do not care about it, we just throw around with anything that comes to mind. We love cats and pictures of dead bodies a lot more than regular humans, that is why this place is full with them.
Worship the blastbeat and satan.